News ID: 235
Publish Date : 16 August 2017 - 12:12
Khodrocar Reports:

New Minister's Program for the Future of Automotive Industry

Shariatmadari’s premier goal is to promote the efficiency of industry and he will pay more attention to increase the competitiveness, high technology products and industrial exports.
Base on Khodrocar, Another major goal of the new minister is to attract the foreign investments.
Khodrocar – According to the program presented by Mohammad Shariatmadari, the new Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, the automotive industry will have a special place.
Considering that Shariatmadari was the former Minister of Commerce and also Vice President for Executive Affairs, it is obvious that he is familiar with the state of country’s industry.
Promoting the efficiency of industry is the new minister’s first priority and then he will pay more attention to increase the competitiveness, high technology products and industrial exports. This reflects his emphasis on attracting foreign investment in the country.
Meanwhile, IDRO, with 7 contracts, is one of the best companies in attracting the foreign investment. According to the plan, this investment will reach 7 million dollars in 1400.
The new minister wants to increase the light vehicle production from 1 million and 330 thousand to 2 million until 1400
Shariatmadari’s special look at the automotive part maker and tire industry shows his long-term program for Iran’s automotive industry.
New minister’s plan for the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade is one of the best programs presented in the country and will pay a special attention to automotive Industry.
One of MP’s question is about the minister’s proposed plan for the domestic auto makers.